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品牌扫描广东省宜华木业股份有限公司(以下简称:宜华木业)是专业生产和销售实木地板、复合地板及实木家具等木制品的大型股份制企业,注册资本14.83亿元,总资产97亿元,是中国境内大型的优秀木地板、家具生产销售企业。宜华木业在全球拥有6大林业基地、8大制造基地和11个生产厂区,项目完全投产后,总占地面积约5500亩,建筑面积约300万平方米,预计将达到年产实木家具200万套、木地板600万平方米,沙发30万套;在国内50多个大中城市建立了“宜华”家具、木地板专卖店500余家,设立十六大体验馆,未来3年将在国内一线城市建31家宜华家居体验馆。 Brand Scan Guangdong Yihua Wood Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Yihua Wood) is a large-scale joint-stock enterprise specializing in the production and sale of wood products such as solid wood flooring, laminate flooring and solid wood furniture with the registered capital of 1.483 billion yuan and the total assets of 97 100 million yuan, is China’s large-scale outstanding wooden flooring, furniture production and marketing enterprises. Yihua Wood owns 6 large forestry bases, 8 manufacturing bases and 11 manufacturing plants around the world. After the project is fully put into operation, it covers a total area of ​​about 5,500 mu and a building area of ​​about 3 million square meters. It is expected to reach the annual output of solid wood furniture 2 million sets of wood floors, 6 million square meters of wood floors, 300,000 sets of sofas; more than 500 large and medium-sized cities in China have set up more than 500 “Yihua” furniture and wooden floor stores, 3 years will be built in the domestic first-tier cities 31 Yihua home experience Museum.
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这里给同学们介绍一种智力积木,即如何用八块积木摆成一个立方体。不要小看这个任务。全部完成它可能需要几天、十几天或更长的时间。 Here is an introduction to an inte