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一、教材说明本课是一个故事,描写抗日战争时期,一个小孩子和他母亲机智地掩护革命干部,对敌人英勇地进行斗争的故事。这个故事反映了人民同革命干部血肉相连的关系和英勇反抗侵略者的战斗精神。抗日战争时期,日本侵略军占领了我国广大领土,实行“三光政策”,奸淫烧杀,无恶不作。共产党领导人民抗战,在敌人后方建立许多根据地,使敌人的后方变成我们的前线,有力地打击了敌人。冀中平原就是其中的一个。可是敌人还妄想消灭抗日力量,不断进行残酷的“扫范”,包围村庄,搜索革命干部。在这艰苦的年月里,根据地的人民常常不顾自已的生命支援八路军,掩护革命干部,对敌人进行顽强的斗争。“二虎子”的故事就是发生在这个时候。全课可以分为三段。第一段,从开头到“……生病也得出去”,写二虎子和二虎子的妈妈想办法掩护区干部老王的情形。 I. Description of Teaching Materials This lesson is a story depicting the story of a child and his mother who wisely sheltered revolutionary cadres and bravely fought against the enemy during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. This story reflects the flesh-and-blood ties between the people and the revolutionary cadres and the fighting spirit of valiantly opposing the invaders. During the war of resistance against Japan, the Japanese aggressors occupied the vast territory of our country, practiced the “three-light policy,” and committed adultery to kill and kill them. The Communist Party led the people in their war of resistance against Japan, established many bases behind the enemy, transformed the rear of the enemy into our front line, and effectively attacked the enemy. The Jizhong Plain is one of them. However, the enemy also delusionally destroyed the anti-Japanese forces and continuously carried out brutal “sweep-off” to surround the villages and search for revolutionary cadres. During these tough years, the people in the base areas often support their Eighth Route Army regardless of their own lives, cover revolutionary cadres, and persevere in their enemies. The story of “Two Tigers” happened at this time. The whole class can be divided into three sections. The first paragraph, from the beginning to “... ... get sick to go out,” wrote two tigers and two tiger mom think of ways to cover the situation of the district leader Pharaoh.
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