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中华人民共和国诞生的第24天,1949年10月24日晚,解放军三野十兵团攻金“第一梯队”的三个团共十个营,总计9086人夜袭金门岛。经过三天鏖战,这支人马终因后继无援、寡不敌众而全军覆没。参加金门战斗的13名团职干部和36名营级干部尽数牺牲或被俘,3800余名年轻的解放军官兵壮烈牺牲,5200余人被俘,其中负伤者占三分之一。这些被俘人员一部分坚贞不屈遗骨无存,一部分900余人被遣返后,在随后的那段特殊历史时期中经历了“苦战三天,苦楚卅年”的不幸命运,另一部分被永远滞留台湾饱受思乡之苦。赵保厚为当年参加战斗的营部医务员,在金门战争的第二天被俘。被困金门近两年之后,他被押运至台湾,从此在台湾度过了半个多世纪的坎坷人生。1987年,已年近花甲的赵保厚才得以从日本辗转回大陆探亲。此时他已阔别家乡近40年。在本文中,赵保厚回忆了他被俘之后困于金门的曲折经历。 On the 24th day of the birth of the People’s Republic of China, on the night of October 24, 1949, there were 10 battalions of the three regiments of the Three Forces and 10 Corps of the People’s Liberation Army in attacking and “first echelon,” a total of 9,086 people attacking Kinmen Island overnight. After three days of fierce fighting, this man and his horse ended up unsuccessfully, outnumbered and annihilated. Thirteen cadres and 36 battalion-level cadres who took part in the battle of Kinmen were sacrificed or captured at most. More than 3,800 young PLA officers and men died in the heroic sacrifice, and more than 5,200 were captured, including one-third of the wounded. Some of these captives remained steadfast in their charity and some of the more than 900 people were repatriated. In the subsequent special period of history, they experienced the unfortunate fate of “three days of hard fighting and painful years of suffering,” and the other part was forever detained Taiwan is suffering from homesickness. Zhao Baohou was a camp battalion attending the battle that year, captured the day after the Golden Gate War. Nearly two years after being trapped in the Golden Gate Gate, he was escorted to Taiwan and spent more than half a century in Taiwan. In 1987, Zhao Baohou, who was recently planted, was able to return to China from Japan to visit his relatives. At this point he had left his hometown for nearly 40 years. In this article, Zhao Baohou recalled the twists and turns of the trapped Kinmen after he was captured.
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