
来源 :武汉财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangdianxitong
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最近,我们就武汉市市场民用煤价格补贴问题进行了调查,发现存在的主要问题,是煤炭购销差价越来越大。近年来,在市场原材料价格急剧上涨的情况下,城市生活用煤进价也呈逐年上升趋势。1987年计划内吨煤平均进价为37元,1988年为40元,1989年截至9月底累计平均为52元,而居民用煤至今仍是以牌价每吨37元销售,购销价格倒挂的差额越来越大。市政府为了稳定市场物价,不增加居民生活负担,每年对居民用煤的购销差价由市财政给予弥补。1987年财政对煤炭补贴为二千多万元,吨煤补贴24.5元;1988年补贴为三千多万元,吨煤补贴32 Recently, we conducted a survey on the issue of subsidy for civilian coal prices in the Wuhan market, and found that the main problem is that the difference between coal purchase and sales is increasing. In recent years, with the sharp rise in the prices of raw materials in the market, the purchase price of coal for urban life has also increased year by year. In 1987, the average purchase price per ton of coal was 37 yuan, and in 1988 it was 40 yuan. In 1989, the cumulative average was 52 yuan at the end of September, and the coal used by residents was still sold at the price of 37 yuan per ton so far. The difference between purchase and sales prices was upside down. getting bigger. In order to stabilize the market price, the municipal government does not increase the burden of the residents’ lives. The annual difference between the purchase and sale price of coal used by residents is compensated by the municipal finance. In 1987, the fiscal subsidy for coal was over 20 million yuan, and subsidy for coal was 24.5 yuan; in 1988, the subsidy was over 30 million yuan, and 32 tons of coal was subsidized.
童年其实是一个很好玩很美丽的东西,我已经失去了,到头来却还要看着6岁的表妹更悲壮、更彻底地变得一无所有。第一回 “小辣椒”回“府”“小辣椒”谓谁?乃吾之表妹也。天真
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