Satellites Show Washington Monument Higher

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最可品味是首句! U.S.government scientists soared to new heights Wednesday, climbing tothe top of the Washington Monument to measure exactly how tall the landmarkis by using satellites. 主题句之“妙”在于:它是一句典型的“圆周句”(periodic sentence)。不读完全句,句子含义就不完整;只有当你读完句末的介词短语(by using satellites),句子的含义才豁然。可是,新的疑惑接踵而生: 科学家们登上了华盛顿纪念碑之顶,是为了测量出其精确高度。可是,测高非手工操作。而是 by using satellites。既然如此,又何苦要climbing to the top ofthe Washington Monument? 读罢全文,此屡才去: 他们是通过state-of-the-art(最新的)Global Positioning System(全球定位系统)(GPS)来测量其高度,但是,实现这种测量必须将GPS receiver置于纪念碑的顶端。 下面这句暗示了美国的卫星的先进性: The multibillion dollar 24-satellite system,circling 14,400 miles(23,000km)above the earth,is commonly used to pinpoint(精确地找到)the location ofairplanes and ships,but it can also measure the height of objects.1934年,纪念碑的测量高度为:555 feet,5 and one-half inches.本次测量所得的高度为:55 The best taste is the first sentence! U.S. Government scientists soared to new heights Wednesday, climbing to the top of the Washington Monument to measure exactly how tall the landmarkis by using satellites. The “magic” of the subject sentence is that it is a typical “periodic sentence”. Without reading a complete sentence, the meaning of the sentence is incomplete; only when you read the prepositional phrase (by using satellites), the meaning of the sentence is suddenly clear. However, new doubts followed: Scientists boarded the top of the Washington Monument to measure their exact height. However, the height measurement is not manual operation. But by using satellites. If so, why do you want to climb to the top of the Washington Monument? Read the full text, this is repeated: They are measured by the state-of-the-art (latest) Global Positioning System (GPS) (GPS) Its height, however, to achieve this measurement must put the GPS receiver at the top of the monument. The following sentence implies the advancement of US satellites: The multibillion dollar 24-satellite system, circling 14,400 miles (23,000 km) above the earth, is commonly used to pinpoint (to find exactly) the location ofairplanes and ships, but it can Also measured the height of objects. In 1934, the height of the monument was measured as: 555 feet, 5 and one-half inches. The height of the measurement was 55:
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