The Cognitive Impact Of Computer-Assisted Translation(CAT)And Machine Translation(MT)On Professional

来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zmz28859330
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The current study extends past research by elucidating the suitable employment in legal translation of the computer-assisted translation(CAT) and machine translation(MT) technologies, the cognitive process of the translation end product, and the difficult tasks of legal translation. The paper generates insights about the operation of various CAT and MT systems on legal translation, the improvement of diverse CAT and MT tools, and the language constituent of CAT and MT systems. These findings highlight the importance of examining translators’ perceptions of CAT and MT tools, the utilization of computers in translation undertakings, and the serviceability and shortcomings of CAT and MT technologies. The current study extends past research by elucidating the suitable employment in legal translation of the computer-assisted translation (CAT) and machine translation (MT) technologies, the cognitive process of the translation end product, and the difficult tasks of legal translation. The paper evolution insights about the operation of various CAT and MT systems on legal translation, the improvement of diverse CAT and MT tools, and the language constituent of CAT and MT systems. These findings highlight the importance of examining translators’ perceptions of CAT and MT tools, the utilization of computers in translation undertakings, and the serviceability and shortcomings of CAT and MT technologies.
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[摘 要] 近年来,随着来华留学生的数量快速增长,留学生对运用汉语进行学术研究的需求也日益增多。在进入专业学习的时候,专业词汇和术语的出现、不熟悉汉语文献与写作规则等已成为广大留学生在运用学术汉语进行专业研究时遇到的主要问题,如何让留学生顺利过渡到专业知识阶段的学习已成为亟须解决的问题。以ICT专业留学生学术写作为例,从专业词汇与辅助表达、词汇衔接和语法衔接等层面进行了分析。  [关 键 词] 学