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深圳市体改办杨进军主任:《制度创新与扩大开放:深圳再创新辉煌的突破点》——文章认为深圳今后的工作思路是:首先,要把改革和创新放在整个深圳特区社会经济发展的全局来考虑;二是把深圳的发展放在全国政治经济形势的大背景下来考虑,既看到中央对深圳的要求和深圳在全国的地位、作用,又看到我们存在的差距,虚心学习全国各地的先进经验;三是把深圳的发展放在世界经济发展变化的格局中来考虑,改革方案要适应中国加入WTO后的新形势和经济全球化的发展趋势。据此,我们应有“高起点,大思路,大动作”的总体改革思路和“市场化,法治化,国际化”的改革目标定位,要把国有企业改革、行政体制创新、投融资体制改革和文化体制改革确定为深圳当前和今后一个时期的重点改革任务。这四项改革任务,与十六大提出的经济建设和经济体制改革,政治建设和政治体制改革,文化建设与文化体制改革的内容完全一致。 Yang Jinjun, Director of Shenzhen Municipal Economic Reform Office: “Institutional Innovation and Opening up: A Breakthrough Point for Shenzhen to Create a New and Brilliant Future” - The article holds that the thinking of Shenzhen’s future work is: First, to bring reform and innovation to the social and economic development of the entire Shenzhen Special Economic Zone The second is to consider the development of Shenzhen in the context of the political and economic situation in the country. It not only sees the requirements of the Central Government on Shenzhen and the status and role of Shenzhen in the whole country, but also sees our gap and humbly study The advanced experience of all parts of the country; the third is to consider the development of Shenzhen in the pattern of world economic development and changes; the reform plan should be adapted to the new situation after China’s accession to the WTO and the development trend of economic globalization. Therefore, we should have the overall reform mentality of “starting high, thinking big and acting” and the orientation of the reform aimed at “marketization, rule of law and internationalization”. We should reform the state-owned enterprises, innovate the administrative system and reform the investment and financing system And the reform of the cultural system as the key reform tasks for the current and future period in Shenzhen. These four tasks of reform are exactly the same as the content of economic reform, economic system reform, political construction, political system reform, cultural construction and cultural system reform put forward by the 16th CPC National Congress.