
来源 :设备管理与维修 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuhaiyi123
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《设备管理与维修》(以下简称会刊)创刊已是10周年了。我祝贺会刊取得重大成绩,也感谢广大会员、作者、读者的支持和关心,并对为办好会刊而付出辛勤劳动的杂志社全体同志表示衷心的感谢。10年来,我虽为会刊做过一些工作,但由于能力所限,有失众望。下面谈的只是个人感受,并不是代表编委会做总结。一、10年回顾从会刊的发展情况来看,大致可以分为三个阶段:1.第一阶段(1980~1981年)这个阶段可以说是艰难创业阶段,尽管当时存在许多困难,但在学会的领导下取得了有关单位的大力支持,终于完成了7期季刊(其中包括3期试刊)的出版发行工作,发行量为1.5~2万份。在7期季刊中,报道的重点大致有三个方面:(1)大量报道了有关国外设备管理的新方法、国际学术访问报告、我国设备管理体制研讨会和工厂试点总 The 10th anniversary of the start of the “Equipment Management and Maintenance” (hereinafter referred to as the “Professional Journal”) has been established. I would like to congratulate the journal for its great achievements, as well as the support and attention of the majority of members, authors, and readers. I also express my sincere gratitude to all the comrades of the magazine for their hard work in running the journal. In the past 10 years, although I have done some work for the journal, but because of limited ability, there is a loss of hope. The following is just a personal experience, not a summary of the editorial board. A review of 10 years From the perspective of the development of the journal, it can be roughly divided into three stages: 1. The first stage (1980-1981) can be said to be a difficult stage of entrepreneurship. Despite many difficulties at the time, it was Under the leadership of the Society, we have obtained strong support from relevant organizations and finally completed the publication and distribution of seven quarterly issues (including three trials) with a circulation of 1.5 to 20,000 copies. In the 7th issue of the quarterly report, the focus of the report is roughly threefold: (1) A large number of new methods for the management of foreign equipment, reports of international academic visits, workshops on China’s equipment management system, and pilot plants for factories have been widely reported.
【美国《核交易公司月报》1990年第262期第22页报道】美国核交易公司根据已建核电容量和预计的功率因子,预测1990—2005年间世界铀累积需求量为22亿磅 U_3O_8当量,平均每年1
YSP—15型液化石油气钢瓶通过省优复查工作由九江船用机械厂生产的九州牌 YSP—15型液化石油气钢瓶,于10月通过了江西省优质产品的复查工作。复检中,关键项目全部达到了 A
[美国《先驱论坛报》1989年11月29日第3页报道]据国会有关人士透露,美国能源部长J.D Watkins说,美国可能在90年代停止提取更多武器级钚的长期计划。据官方人士说,这一决定可