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上个世纪70年代末、80年代初,我在国务院办公厅、军委办公厅工作过一段时间,对办公厅工作比较熟悉,也有感情。后来,我到地方任职、再到中央工作,走了很多地方,在各个岗位上同党委办公厅接触一直很多。我还在政府岗位上干过,兼任过地方人大常委会主任,同政府办公厅、人大办公厅也打过交道,但同党委办公厅接触最多。这次到中央办公厅走访调研,同大家座谈,感到很亲切。中办是党中央的综合办事机构,为党中央服务最直接,联系各方面最广泛,保障党中央工作最关键,在党政军群 In the late 1970s and early 1980s, I worked in the General Office of the State Council and the General Office of the Central Military Commission for a period of time. I was familiar with the work of the General Office and also had feelings. Later, I went to work in the local government, went to work in the Central Government, took a lot of places, and held constant contacts with the office of the party committees in all posts. I also worked in government posts, served as director of the Standing Committee of the local people’s congress, with the government office, people’s general office also dealt with, but with the office of the party committee most contact. This visit to the Central Office of the survey, to discuss with you, I feel very warm. The Central Office of the CPC Central Committee is an integrated office for the party Central Committee to serve the most direct contact with all aspects of the most comprehensive protection of the party Central Committee’s most crucial work in the party and army groups
AIM:To construct subtracted cDNA libraries of humanvascular endothelial cells (VECs) related to gastrocarcinomausing suppression substractive hybridization (SS
A comprehensive review on interfacial reactions to form silicides between metal and Si nanowire or wafer is given.Formation of silicide contacts on Si wafers or
通过压实试验 ,分析了无压实以及小型拖拉机、中型拖拉机和联合收获机压实等处理方式的土壤容重、入渗率和耕作阻力。在此基础上 ,进行了两年的固定道耕作试验 ,结果表明 ,机
1 黄河堤防劈裂灌浆试验 该项目旨在探讨采用劈裂灌浆技术对黄河堤防进行防渗加固的可行性。试验段选在济南市历城区付家庄险工1号坝坝基。该坝基高4.5m,顶宽18.5m,临、背边