我国科技 ·帅才缺乏的原因和对策

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21世纪是知识经济时代,知识经济时代需要大批知识水平高的高层次专门人才和支持这些高级人才开展科技革命和科技创新的大量资金。我国近年来对科技革命、科技创新给予了极大地关注,政府和民间都投入了大量资金支持科技活动,使我国的科技力量有了长足的发展。到今天,尽管资金、人才仍然短缺,但科技界越来越觉得,我们最缺乏领导大型科技项目的将帅之才。正如九三学社的王文元委员说的:“我们缺少一批能抢占世界科技制高点的将帅之才,缺少大批熟悉市场经济规律的高素质经营管理人才”。进入知识创新试点的中科院大连化学物理研究所所长包信和研究员也说过:“现在,缺钱、缺设备已经不再是主要矛盾,最重要的问题是缺人,缺优秀人才,缺领军大兵团作战的帅才”。那么,为什么我国缺乏这方而的人才,今后我们应当如何去改善。 The 21st century is a time of knowledge-based economy. In the era of knowledge-based economy, a large number of high-level specialized personnel with a high level of knowledge are required, and a large amount of funds are needed to support these high-level talents in launching scientific and technological revolution and scientific and technological innovation. In recent years, China has given great attention to scientific and technological revolution and scientific and technological innovation. Both the government and the people have invested heavily in scientific and technological activities, which have greatly accelerated the development of science and technology in our country. Today, despite the shortage of funds and talents, the scientific community increasingly believes that we most lack the talents to lead large-scale science and technology projects. As the member of Wang Jinyuan of the Jiusan Society said: “We lack a batch of high-quality management personnel who can seize the commanding height of science and technology in the world and lack a large number of high-quality management personnel who are familiar with the laws of the market economy.” Prof. Bao Xinhe, the director of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics who has entered the pilot of knowledge innovation, also said: “Now, lack of money and lack of equipment are no longer the major contradictions. The most important problems are lack of people, lack of talents, Brigade combat handsome ”. So, why our country lacks this talent, how we should improve in the future.
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