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一、对孩子答问表态的策略“提问——回答”是一种普遍运用的教学方法。在这一过程中,教师的表态直接关系到答问的展开。一个问题的提出犹如一粒石子投进水中,立刻会打破水面的平静,激起层层波澜。幼儿为了答问而积极动用已有的知识经验,通过分析、综合,寻找答案。当有幼儿答对时,如果教师立刻予以肯定性的表态,那么其他还在思考的孩子就会“共享”这个答案而放弃努力。当有幼儿答错时,如果教师立刻予以否定性的表态,那么不仅令当事者扫兴,而且这条思路也会立即被堵截。显然,过早的肯定与否定都不利于孩子们充分思考,最好的方法是在幼儿答问的初期不作判断,只是用热情的口吻给以回应,如:“是不是这样呢?我们再听听别人是怎样说的。”这样做是为了维持一段必要的不稳定状态,使发散性思维活动得以延续,从而引导幼儿各抒己见,甚至引起辩论。这种做法能活跃幼儿的思维,培养他们求知的兴趣,使他们获得更加清晰、确切的答案。那种急于追求正确答 First, the child’s question and answer strategy “Question-answer” is a commonly used method of teaching. In this process, the teacher’s position is directly related to the question and answer. A question put forward like a stone into the water, will immediately break the calm water, provoking waves. In order to answer questions, young children actively use existing knowledge and experience, through analysis, synthesis, looking for answers. When a young child answers correctly, if the teacher immediately affirmatively declares, the other thinking children will “share” the answer and give up their efforts. When a young child answers the wrong one, if the teacher immediately gives a negative attitude, not only will the party disappoint, but the idea will be immediately intercepted. Obviously, premature affirmation and negation are not good for children to think fully. The best way is to make no judgment at the early stage of a child’s questioning and answering, just to respond with a warm tone like “Is this the case? Listen to what others are saying. ”This is done in order to maintain a necessary state of instability and to allow for the continuation of divergent thinking activities so as to guide young children in expressing their opinions and even arousing debate. This approach can activate young children’s thinking, develop their interest in seeking knowledge, so that they get clearer and more accurate answer. The kind of eager to pursue the correct answer
当你将爱与希望给予他人时,往往会得到更好的回报。送贺年卡不仅仅是因为会得到一份更好的回报,还因为会为大家送去自己诚挚的祝福。 When you give love and hope to other
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