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本文叙述自适应阵信号处理的一个新的应用领域,信号分离理论。对于一个具有N个基元的接收阵系统,如果有M个在空间上彼此分离的入射信号,M≤N。那么对接收信号经适当处理之后可以被完全分离开来,即在系统的输出通道中,每一通道只包含一个入射信号。对于窄带信号,我们用Hilbert变换得出其正交分量,然后构成预包络信号。用自适应阵确定入射信号的方向,给出信号的复的指向角矩阵G,用分块矩阵的方法,建立复矩阵G和它的实导出矩阵G_0之间的一一对应关系间接地求出G~-1。利用G~-1对输入信号实行线性变换,再将预包络解调,就可以在输出通道中将信号分离,对于宽带信号可以采用差频或DFT分析的方法得到信号分离的结果。本文中给出一个为DFT分析而导出的谱线跟踪公式,同时给出了按本文理论所设计的系统的方框图。在数字计算机上进行的系统模拟实验表明,信号分离的方法是可行的,效果是好的。文中给出了部分图表。 This article describes a new field of adaptive array signal processing, signal separation theory. For a receive array system with N primitives, if there are M spatially separated incident signals, M ≤ N. Then the received signal can be completely separated after proper processing, that is, in the system output channels, each channel contains only one incident signal. For narrow-band signals, we use the Hilbert transform to derive their quadrature components and then form the pre-envelope signal. The adaptive array is used to determine the direction of the incident signal and the complex angular matrix G of the signal is given. By using the method of block matrix, the one-to-one correspondence between complex matrix G and its real derivation matrix G_0 is obtained indirectly G ~ -1. Using G ~ -1 linear transformation of the input signal, and then the pre-envelope demodulation, the signal can be separated in the output channel, the wideband signal can be used to obtain the results of the signal separation or frequency difference or DFT analysis. In this paper, a spectral tracing formula derived for DFT analysis is given, and a block diagram of the system designed according to this paper is given. The simulation experiment on the digital computer shows that the method of signal separation is feasible and the effect is good. The article gives some charts.
在侨乡福建闽西一个封闭落后的自然村落里 ,一对兄弟瞄准“人们喜欢吃山珍野味”的特点 ,以10个野鸡蛋、一个3平方米的破猪舍艰难起步 ,凭借科技与信息 ,奇迹般地发展为拥有几百
当医生发现病人某个部位癌变时,就会以其部位的名称来命名,这种趋势一直沿用至今,尽管人们早就知道这样做的弊端。然而,英国剑桥大学的卡洛斯·卡尔达斯教授认为,乳腺癌不只是一种疾患,而是十种不同类型的疾病。  最新的一项研究成果显示,乳腺癌应当被分成十种完全不同的疾病。有研究人员称,该项研究的理念影响深远,具有里程碑意义。分类能改善疗效,利用专一的药物对确诊的乳腺癌患者实施诊治,将有助于更精确地预知其生