
来源 :中国危重病急救医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hfghtyr56
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27例急性有机磷中毒并发呼吸衰竭者的通气与洗胃技巧/山东省单县中心医院急救中心(273700)/张德,时启标,徐福玲,张海鹏并发呼吸衰竭(呼衰)的急性有机磷中毒(AOPP),洗胃与改善通气是救治的重要措施。1992~1993年3月我科救治27例,现就... Ventilation and gastric lavage techniques in 27 patients with acute organophosphorus poisoning complicated with respiratory failure / Shandong Province Single County Central Hospital Emergency Center (273700) / Zhang De, Shi Qibiao, Xu Fuling, Zhang Haipeng Acute and organic respiratory failure (respiratory failure) Phosphorus poisoning (AOPP), gastric lavage and improvement of ventilation are important measures for treatment. 1992 ~ March 1993 Department of our 27 cases of treatment, now ...
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Eight hundred and ten pedigree members of 110 patients with Graves’ disease were studied. In 700 first-egree relatives, inquiry of medical history, physical e
患者 ,4 4岁 ,农民 ,已婚 ,系云南省富宁县晖朝镇人 ,住院号 :4 680 8。主诉出现阴道肿物并逐渐增大 2个月 ,之前无明显诱因出现阴道肿物如鸡蛋大 ,无疼痛 ,当解大便、咳嗽或
1997年1月至1999年12月以米非司酮配伍米索前列醇处理过期流产(Missed abortion)30例,获得满意的临床效果,现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 观察组30例,为1997年1月至19