Antioxidants in liver health

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeut | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wandd_wind
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Liver diseases are a worldwide medical problem because the liver is the principal detoxifying organ and maintains metabolic homeostasis. The liver metabolizes various compounds that produce free radicals(FR).However, antioxidants scavenge FR and maintain the oxidative/antioxidative balance in the liver. When the liver oxidative/antioxidative balance is disrupted, the state is termed oxidative stress. Oxidative stress leadsto deleterious processes in the liver and produces liver diseases. Therefore, restoring antioxidants is essential to maintain homeostasis. One method of restoring antioxidants is to consume natural compounds with antioxidant capacity. The objective of this review is to provide information pertaining to various antioxidants found in food that have demonstrated utility in improving liver diseases. Liver diseases are a worldwide medical problem because of liver is the principal detoxifying organ and maintaining metabolic homeostasis. The liver metabolizes various compounds that produce free radicals (FR) .However, antioxidants scavenge FR and maintain the oxidative / antioxidative balance in the liver. the liver oxidative / antioxidative balance is disrupted, the state is termed oxidative stress. the restoring antioxidants is essential to maintain homeostasis. One method of restoring antioxidants is to consume natural compounds with antioxidant capacity. The objective of this review is to provide information pertaining to various antioxidants found in food that have demonstrated utility in improving liver diseases.
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