
来源 :初中生数学学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oswaldhui
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2000年8月8日,本刊编辑部在南京举办了《初中生数学学习》夏令营暨“有奖问题征解”颁奖大会,前来参加夏令营活动的有30多位初中二、三年级的同学,来自内蒙古自治区、福建省、浙江省、安徽省、重庆市、江苏省……他们在本刊的“有奖问题征解”活动中,敢于挑战,勇于拼博,最终赢得胜利,取得了优异成绩.他们来南京的目标是争夺“解题”冠军,结交朋友,增长见识,(夏令营活动情况,请参阅初二、三版有关报道). 这些同学数学学得好,他们的经验是什么?这里发表1999年“有奖问题征解”二等奖获得者顾劼惺同学在颁奖大会上的发言——“写在《初中生数学学习》夏令营里”,愿广大读者从中受到启迪. On August 8, 2000, the editorial department of the journal held the Summer Camp for Junior High School Students and the Award Presentation Ceremony for Solicitation of Awards in Nanjing. Over 30 junior high school students from grade two and three came to attend the summer camp activities. From the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Fujian Province, Zhejiang Province, Anhui Province, Chongqing Municipality, and Jiangsu Province, they dared to challenge and brave in the “Acquisition Problem Solving” activity of this publication and eventually won victory and achieved excellent results. Achievements. Their goal in Nanjing is to compete for the title of “solving questions”, make friends, and increase knowledge (for summer camp activities, please refer to the 2nd and 3rd editions of the report). These students are good at mathematics and what are their experiences? Here, the speech of the second prize winner of the 1999 “Prize for Competing Issues” award was given by Gu Jie, a student at the awarding ceremony—“Writing in the Junior High School Student Math Learning Summer Camp,” and I hope readers will be inspired by it.
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1.《中学英语世纪丛书》面向新的教学要求,以贯彻素质教育为已任,引导学生培养能力。丛书分阅读理解、书面表达、听力与测试三个部分。目前已出前面两个部分。 1. The “Ye
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例1:(MCE.97.22)密度为0.91g·cm~3的氨水,质量百分比浓度为25%(即质量分数为0.25),该氨水用等体积的水稀释后,所得溶液的百分比浓度( ) Example 1: (MCE.97.22) Aqueous am