Imaging diagnosis of cervical spine and spinal cord injuries in children

来源 :中华创伤杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xczsb
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Objective: To provide the experience in imaging diagnosis of cervical spine and spinal cord injuries in children.Methods: Imaging data of cervical spine and spinal cord injuries in 62 children were retrospectively reviewed.The routine radiography including the lateral,anteroposterior and open-mouth odontoid views were performed in all the patients. Tomography was available for 25 patients, and flexion-extension lateral views for 28patients, CT scanning for 21 patients, MRI for 26 patients.Results: Of these patients, 46 patients were identified with injuries of upper cervical spine (9 with atlantal arch fracture, seven with axial fracture, 21 with odontoid fracture, 1 with atlantal arch fracture combining with odontoid fracture, and 1 with atlantal transverse ligament disruption); 7 patients sustained injuries of lower cervical spine (3 fractures of vertebral body, 2 dislocations and 6fracture-dislocations ); 2 patients had multiple noncontiguous cervical injuries; and 3 had cervical spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormalities (SCIWORA).Conclusions: Imaging assessment is of great importance in the diagnosis of cervical spine and spinal cord injuries in children. Whenever cervical spine and spinal cord injuries are suspected for children patients, and the three-views should be routinely indicated. MRI should be routinely performed in all children with cervical SCIWORA.
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