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伊拉克战争在2003年3月20日上午(当地时间凌晨5点.北京时间10点)爆发。众所周知.在武器力量对比上.美国远胜伊拉克,应该说美伊作战根本就不在一个层次上。在上一次海湾战争中.伊拉克失败了.他们把优秀的装备如较先进的坦克用半年时间都埋在沙土里仅仅露出炮管.让美国A10飞机一天击中80多辆。还有就是他们用第一次世界大战时的经验来打仗,按军师旅团营连排班的模式来布兵.一切听从最高指挥官萨达姆的指挥.但是在开打前.士兵与士兵之间.士兵与军官之间.军官与军官之间.还有军官与萨达姆之间都被美军切断了联络无法凝聚战斗力.只能任人宰割。如今伊拉克的装备已经比海湾战争时落后很多.主要原因就是.当年伊拉克还可以从意大利,法国和前苏联进口军事装备.但现在由于武器封锁.任何军事贸易都被禁止.伊拉克无法获得量新的武器.比如.伊拉克曾经向意大利进口了三艘舰艇.但无法运回国内.只能定期派伊拉克士兵前往维护。而美国在原有的军事装备上.又有了更多的进步.一直在向数字化、网络化发展。伊拉克目前还是使用着第一代的半机械化装 The Iraq war broke out on the morning of March 20, 2003 (5 am local time and 10 am Beijing time). As we all know, in comparison with the strength of the armed forces, the United States is far superior to Iraq and it should be said that the U.S.-Iraqi operation is simply not at one level. In the last Gulf War, Iraq failed and they buried only the barrel with good equipment, such as a more advanced tank, in the sand for six months, hitting more than 80 U.S. A10 aircraft a day. There is also their experience of the First World War to fight, according to military regiment brigade battalion deployment pattern .All to follow the command of Supreme Commander Saddam.But before the start of the soldiers and soldiers Between soldiers and officers, between officers and officers, and between the officers and Saddam Hussein have been cut off by the U.S. military forces can not coalesce the fighting force can only be slaughtered. Iraqi equipment has now lagged behind that of the Gulf War mainly because Iraq was also able to import military equipment from Italy, France and the former Soviet Union, but now any military trade is banned because of the arms embargo, and Iraq is unable to obtain new For example, Iraq has imported three ships to Italy but can not be shipped back to China, and only regular maintenance of Iraqi soldiers can be carried out. While the United States has made more progress in its original military equipment, it has been moving toward digitization and networking. Iraq is still using the first generation of semi-mechanized equipment