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有一位资深记者曾经写了一篇名为《不是为了APEC》的评论,她引用的是 APEC 上海筹备工作办公室工作人员的一句话:上海的 IT 建设“不是为了APEC”。这一次,我在中国南方的另一座城市深圳,又得到了类似的一句话,深圳顺电的一位 IT 经理说,顺电的信息化建设“不是为了信息化”。无疑,上述两个不同社会角色的个体告诉了我们一个最朴素的信息:政府的信息化建设在于利民;企业的信息化投资在于追求价值的回报!笔者是在3月1日下午去采访顺电的,在对其 IT经理吴昉民的采访过半时,居然才得到这样一个信息:顺电上午刚刚发布了它运筹大半年的“电子商务”网站。这令我大为惊讶,在我的想象中,按照笔者当时的媒体身份,他应该是在第一时间里告诉我上述信息,因为那不是一个普通的信息,而是他们公司创立十年来,记录在企业宣传册中为数寥寥的大事之一,同时也是他们今天最关心的一件事情。这位 IT 经理在笔者面前多次强调了“实”字,他说公司老板的思路就是走“理性”发展之路。并且,任何一个信息化投资都一定要是符合公司之需、切合公司之缺,否则,信息化投资将是无助的。用一句最直白的语言就是“不是为了信息化而信息化”。包括在信息化建设的方法上,也注重追求 A senior reporter once wrote an article titled “Not for APEC.” She quoted a sentence from the APEC Shanghai preparatory work office staff: Shanghai’s IT construction “is not for APEC.” This time, in another city in southern China, Shenzhen, I got another similar sentence. An IT manager of Shenzhen Shundian said that the informationization of the company is not “informatization”. Undoubtedly, the above two individuals with different social roles tell us one of the simplest information: the government’s information construction lies in the benefit of the people; the company’s information investment lies in the pursuit of value returns! The author went to interview Shundian on the afternoon of March 1. In fact, only half of the interviews with its IT manager, Wu Yumin, actually got such a message: The company has just released its e-commerce website for the first half of the year. This surprised me. In my imagination, according to the author’s media identity at the time, he should have told me the above information for the first time because it was not an ordinary message. It was the ten years since the company was founded. One of the most important events in corporate brochures is also one of the things they care about today. The IT manager repeatedly emphasized the word “real” in front of the author. He said that the idea of ​​the company’s boss is to take a “rational” development path. Moreover, any investment in information must be consistent with the needs of the company and meet the needs of the company. Otherwise, information investment will be helpless. Using the most straightforward language is “informatization and not for information.” Including in the information construction method, also pay attention to the pursuit
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普惠加拿大公司的PW800发动机与法国斯奈克玛公司的SM146发动机己被选做俄罗斯支线飞机(RRJ)计划的竞争发动机。预计普惠加拿大公司可能在明年初启动PW800计 Pratt & Whitn
伊尔库茨克企业是俄罗斯最大的私营航空制造公司,在过去就拥有俄罗斯唯一的两栖飞机别—200的设计制造商——塔甘罗格别里耶夫航空科技联台体的约20%的股份,并且在由11人 Ir
梅县方圆百里四乡十七村,没人不知道鼎鼎大名的邹半仙。邹半仙今年五十八了,祖上传下来一套算命看相风水转运的绝活,据说乾隆年间,连宫里的达官贵人都曾经慕名而来,让邹家的祖先帮着改运。  因为破四旧,邹家消沉过一阵子,不敢继续在县城里明目张胆地摆摊算命。不过这几年,有钱的人越来越多,而且越有钱就越迷信。看到其他的铁板神算、风水大师们都混得风生水起,邹半仙看得心痒难捱,也重操起了旧业。  还别说,有祖上的
快成为飞人的克虎终于在中秋的前一天从上海赶回了北京.和家人团团圈国地过了个节。天气也特别给节日面子.艳阳高照,气候适宜,好一个秋,好一个节日! 克虎这次去上海是去参加
在未来主要世界经济形势不确定的因素下,时装商业继续选择,具有时尚风格的时装或面料视为“2002年夏季最新流行时尚”. In the future, the main world economic situation is
天热了,克虎对水的需求愈发强烈,可煤炭信息部的李部长却对克虎吐了一肚子苦水。 As the weather became hot, Kehu’s demand for water became stronger and stronger. Mi
快印行业在我国刚刚发展了两个年头,且大多集中在北京。虽然在该行业跑得快的五、六家企业年营业额都不过区区千万余元,但其中的小吕快印却看到了规模过亿元的大市场,于是 IT
集成商们纷纷在自有产品的技术开发能力和专业的服务能力方面比拼。在这两个“能力”的较量中,MDCL 并不是最强者,但却颇具特色。 Integrators have competed in their own