Comparative Analysis on Genomes from Oryza alta and Oryza latifolia by C_0t-1 DNA

来源 :Rice Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:muyanger280
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In order to reveal the origin and evolutionary relationship between two CCDD genome species, Oryza alta and Oryza latifolia, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was adopted to analyze the genomes of the two species with C0t-1 DNA from O. alta as a probe. Karyotype was also comparatively analyzed between O. alta and O. latifolia based on their similar band patterns of the hybridization signals. There were a high homology and close relationship between O. alta and O. latifolia, however, the distinction between the hybridization signals was also clear. C0t-1 DNA was proved to be species- and genome type-specific. It is suggested that C0t-1 DNA-FISH could be more efficient to analyze the genomic relationship between different species. According to the comparative analysis of highly and moderately repetitive DNA sequences between the two allotetraploidy species, O. alta and O. latifolia, the possible origin and evolutionary mechanism of allotetraploidy of Oryza were discussed. In order to reveal the origin and evolutionary relationship between two CCDD genome species, Oryza alta and Oryza latifolia, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was adopted to analyze the genomes of the two species with C0t-1 DNA from O. alta as a probe There are a high homology and close relationship between O. alta and O. latifolia, however, the distinction between the hybridization signals It is suggested that C0t-1 DNA-FISH could be more efficient to analyze the genomic relationship between different species. According to the comparative analysis of highly and moderately repetitive DNA sequences between the two allotetraploidy species, O. alta and O. latifolia, the possible origin and evolutionary mechanism of allotetraploidy of Oryza were discussed.
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