抓住撤地建设契机 加快发展苏仙经济

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郴州地区撤地建市、郴县撤县建区,给了我们一个新的发展机遇,同时也迎来了新的挑战。行政区域的变化,打破了原有的经济格局。因此,我们要抓住这个大好发展机遇,瞄准自身优势,以区域特点为前提,以中心城镇为依托,以交通干线为主轴,以增强区域经济实力为主题,合理配置本地资源,逐步建立城乡结合的多层次发展的经济格局。第一,充分依托中心城镇的集纳、辐射功能,加快发展城镇经济。城镇既是各种生产力要素的集纳地,又是生产力要素的传播地,城镇集纳、辐射功能的强弱,决定了区域经济的层次、范围、结构及其程度。因此,苏仙区区域经济要围绕城区的特点求发展,形成城乡一体、互相补充、共同发展的城乡良性发展体系。要加快城内的基础设施建设,重点是要抓好旧城改造,加快水、电、路、邮电通讯等基础设施建设。 Chenzhou area to withdraw the construction of the city, Chenxian withdrawal County built area, gave us a new opportunity for development, but also ushered in a new challenge. The changes in the administrative area have broken the original economic pattern. Therefore, we must seize this great opportunity for development, aim at our own advantages and take the characteristics of the region as a prerequisite. We will rely on the central towns and cities as the main axis and the main theme of enhancing the regional economic strength. We should rationally allocate local resources and gradually establish a combination of urban and rural areas The multi-level development of the economic pattern. First, we will fully rely on the centralized and radiating functions of central towns and accelerate the development of urban economy. Cities and towns are not only the places for collecting all kinds of productive forces but also the places for dissemination of productive forces. The strengths and weaknesses of urban and rural areas and the function of radiation determine the level, scope, structure and degree of regional economy. Therefore, the regional economy in Suxian District needs to develop around the characteristics of urban areas and form a sound urban-rural development system in which urban and rural areas are integrated and complement each other and develop together. In order to speed up infrastructure construction in the city, the key point is to focus on the reconstruction of the old city and speed up the construction of infrastructures such as water, electricity, roads and telecommunications.
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