
来源 :吉林教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luo_123
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社会主义新农村建设的全面展开,农村城市化、农业现代化、农民市民化进程的不断加快,新农村的“新”不仅体现在物质丰富、城市面貌的改变,更体现在人们精神面貌的变化和综合素养的提高。社区教育既要重视农民就业技能的培训,又要注重居民文化知识、文明修养的提高,以“和谐”为主旋律的具有新农村特征的社区教育模式悄然形成,社区教育的发展迎来了新的机遇,同时也呈现出各种新的特点。一、社区教育对象的差异性 The new rural construction of socialism has been carried out in an all-round way. The process of rural urbanization, agricultural modernization and peasant citizenization is accelerating. The “new” of the new countryside is not only reflected in the material abundance, the changing of the urban landscape, but also the spiritual outlook of the people Changes and the improvement of comprehensive literacy. Community education should not only attach importance to the training of peasants ’employment skills, but also pay attention to the improvement of residents’ cultural knowledge and civilized accomplishment. The community education model with the characteristics of new rural areas with the theme of “harmony ” quietly formed and the development of community education ushered in New opportunities, but also presents a variety of new features. First, the difference of community education object
The philosophical root of all human beings’ existence crisis in the contemporary times is the philosophy of the unlimited theory. The inner spiritual supportin
自闭症又称孤独症,是一种广泛性发展障碍,以严重的、广泛的社会相互影响和沟通技能的损害以及刻板的行为、兴趣和活动为特征的精神疾病。 Autism, also known as autism, is
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少男少女由于处在身体发育、知识和生活经验尚不充足的特定时期,故可有不健康的心理表现,当发现时应当及时纠正,以免酿成大病。其表现主要有以下几个方面: Adolescent girls