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四川西部(川西)地处青藏高原东部,黄土广泛分布于河谷和断陷盆地中.该地区黄土的主体属风成堆积,为附近及高原内部地区的冰川沉积、寒冻风化物、河湖沉积、风沙沉积和坡积物等多种沉积物中的细粒物质,在西风、高原冬季风和近地面风的搬运下堆积而成.局部有受坡面流水作用形成的次生黄土.最早的黄土堆积始于早更新世(1150ka),现主要留存在较老的地貌部位.但川西地区分布最广的黄土多在较新地貌部位上,其堆积时代为晚更新世早期以来.受昆黄运动影响,青藏高原可能在早更新世就已进入冰冻圈,大气环流在此时发生改变,高原冬季风增强,气候持续变干,川西黄土开始堆积.而共和运动使青藏高原在晚更新世早期以来快速抬升,川西黄土沉积速率增大,范围扩张.黄土一古土壤序列记录了该地区早更新世以来气候的冷干一暖湿波动.尤其是晚更新世以来,该地曾经历多次冬夏季风强弱交替和气候冷干一暖湿变化过程.本地区黄土的成因、物源、时代、沉积速率、高分辨率气候变化以及气候驱动力等问题仍值得深入探讨. “,”Loess widely distributes in river valleys and fault basins of west Sichuan Province in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. It is mainly aeolian deposit carried by Westerlies, Plateau Winter Monsoon or near surface wind. The dust came from kinds of sediments" from local or the interior of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, such as glacial deposits, congelifraction materials, fluvial, lacustrine, aeolian and slope deposits, etc. Secondary loess caused by overland flow could be seen in parts of this area. The earliest loess, which is now mainly preserved in the older physiographical positions, started to deposit at Early Pleistocene (1150 ka). However, the most widely distributed loess, which is now preserved in the younger physiographical positions, deposited since early Late Pleistocene. The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau might be elevated into cryosphere in Early Pleistocene as influenced by Kunlun-Yellow River Movement. After that, the atmospheric circulation changed, accompanied by strengthening plateau winter monsoon and sustained aridity. Thus initial loess accumulated in west Sichuan. Gonghe Movement caused rapid uplift of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau since early Late Pleistocene. This resulted in acceleration of deposition rate and expansion of loess in west Sichuan. The climatic fluctuation of cold-dry and warm-humid since Early Pleistocene had been recorded by the loess-paleosol sequences in this area. And it has experienced multiple strong/weak alternation of winter and summer monsoon since Late Pleistocene. Issues like origin, provenance, ages and deposition rate of loess, high resolution climatic change and the driving force of climate recorded by loess strata in this area, are still needed to deeply investigate.
Desertification is one of the most serious eco-environmental problems around Qinghai Lake. Based on GIS and RS, GIS analysis was used to obtain the information