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毛泽东同志一贯高度重视反腐倡廉、拒腐防变,并根据形势发展采取举措落到实处。早在中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府执行委员会就明文规定:凡苏维埃机关、国家企业及公共团体的工作人员利用自己的地位贪污公款以图私利者,将根据贪污款项数目的多少予以惩办,直到判处死刑。在中央苏区查清闽西苏维埃政府粮食部长林延年私自向商人筹款300元,并借公款50元私用等犯罪行为,立即开除扣留查办。不仅如此,苏维埃政府还规定因玩忽职守浪费公款,致使国家受到损失者,将根据浪费程度,给予处分。毛泽东同志在全国革命即将取 Comrade Mao Tse-tung has always attached great importance to combating corruption and upholding integrity and corruption and preventing corruption, and has taken concrete measures according to the development of the situation. As early as the Executive Committee of the Provisional Central Government in the Chinese Soviet Republic, it was expressly stipulated that whenever the staff of the Soviet authorities, state enterprises and public organizations use their positions to embezzle public funds for personal gain, they will be punished according to the amount of corruption money until the death penalty is imposed . In the Central Soviet Area, it was found out that Secretary of Agriculture Minxu Soviet Government Food Minister Lin Yan-nian personally raised 300 yuan from businessmen and borrowed public funds of 50 yuan for personal use and other criminal acts and immediately expelled detainees. Not only that, the Soviet government also provides for the negligence of wasting public funds, resulting in the country suffered losses, will be given according to the degree of waste. Comrade Mao Tse-tung is about to take the national revolution
中国机械工程学会主办,并与上海博华国际展览有限公司 共同承办的第九届中国国际工业装备展览会吸引了来自 美国、中国、日本、俄罗斯、韩国、德国、法国、新
从2001年8月1日起,海南省正式取消《市镇居民粮食供应证》(俗称的“粮本”),这在全国尚属首例,也就是说,海南省成为全国第一个跟“粮本”说“拜拜”的省份。 From August 1,
与英国女王结婚以来,菲利普亲王过人的精力、健硕的身体以及强烈的公众责任感都伴随他走过无数正式场合。不过他最引人注目的却是在政治社交圈中的口无遮拦。“Do you still
陈其荣 1 93 9年生于上海。1 95 8年考入复旦大学附中理科班 ,1 960年直升复旦大学物理系。在大学学习期间 ,逐渐对哲学社会科学发生兴趣。1 965年毕业后转入本校哲学系 ,从
北京市科技新星计划是由北京市财政经费支持、北京市科学技术委员会组织实施的科技人才培养计划,于 Beijing Science and Technology Rising Star Project is financed by