深化体制改革 推行物业管理 创建文明住宅小区——建设部副部长李振东在全国物业管理工作现场会上的讲话(摘要)

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1、坚定不移地改革旧的管理体现.我们已经认识到了传统的房屋管理模式的缺陷,也已经实实在在地看到了物业管理新体制的优越性,但我们必须同时看到物业管理的覆盖面还是很小的,要使广大老百姓都能生活在环境优美、秩序良好、服务优良的住宅小区中,改革旧管理体制的任务还很艰巨.过去我们费了很多力,花了很多钱.但是小区管不好,根本的原因是体制问题.因此,要加快行政性、福利型、分散多头的住宅小区管理向社会化、专业化、企业化、经营型的物业管理新体制转轨的步伐.新建小区要全面实行物业管理.前几年,各地在新建住宅小区推行物业管理体制方面已取得了明显的成效.尽管各地的经济发展水平有 1. Steadfastly reform the old management manifestations We have recognized the shortcomings of the traditional housing management model and have really seen the superiority of the new property management system but we must also see the coverage of property management Still very small, so that the majority of ordinary people can live in a beautiful environment, good order, good service residential area, the task of reforming the old management system is still very arduous.We spent a lot of effort in the past, spent a lot of money.But the district Therefore, we must speed up the administrative, welfare, diversified residential district management to the socialization, specialization, enterprise, management of the new system of property management transition to the pace of the new district To fully implement the property management. A few years ago, all over the implementation of new residential district property management system has achieved remarkable results .Although the level of economic development around
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