一九八三年的新年钟声刚刚敲过,从祖国心脏北京又吹响了振兴中华的进军号角。 一月二日,人民大会堂里星汉灿烂,群英荟萃。全国归侨、侨眷、侨务工作者先进个人、先进集体表彰大会在这里隆重开幕。廖承志在大会的讲话中,代表党中央和国务院高度赞扬了广大华侨、归侨、侨眷在中国革命和建设的漫长征途中所建树的丰功伟绩。他号召广大侨胞团结起来,汇成振兴中华的强大力量,在新的历史时期为担国的繁荣、富强和统一作出新的
The bell of the New Year in 1983 has just been knocked over and the horn of rejuvenating China has been sounded from the heart of the motherland. On January 2, the Xinghai Hall in the Great Hall of the People is splendid with a large number of people gathering together. The entire country returned overseas Chinese, overseas Chinese dependents, overseas Chinese workers advanced individuals, advanced collective commendation congress here grand opening. In his speech to the General Assembly, Liao Chengzhi, on behalf of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, highly praised the achievements made by the vast number of overseas Chinese, returned overseas Chinese and their relatives in the long journey of Chinese revolution and construction. He called on the vast numbers of overseas Chinese to unite to form a powerful force for rejuvenating China and to make new ones for the prosperity, prosperity and unity of the motherland in the new historical period