9-year-old boy and hundreds of hats for those in need 九岁小男孩,数百爱心帽

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  1.knit v. 编织
  2.discharge v. 出院
  3.gown n. 罩袍
  4.scarf n. 围巾
  5.shelter n. 收容所
  6.yarn n. 毛线
   Alex Reins got three generations of his family together Wednesday morning at a little corner inside the Belmar Library in Lakewood.
  They’re diligently knitting hats for those unable to afford one during these unforgiving winter months. “In case they’re out in the cold and don’t have enough money to get a hat,” the 9-year-old said.
  Last year Alex saw a news article that caught his attention. “It was about a person who was discharged from the hospital in a hospital gown and socks waiting at a bus stop in the snow,” he said.
  “His big heart saw that and he thought, ‘We just need to do something to help other people,’” explained his great-aunt Cherie DeHerrera.
  His mother, Bri Reins, knows it’s in his blood to care for others. “It doesn’t take much to help somebody,” she said. “We learned that from our family, from my parents, from my aunts, from my grandma. They all taught us to give back to other people.”
  Seeing Alex, and three great-aunts sitting around a table, knitting hats they’ll never wear drives her point home. Bri said they’ve made over 300 hats and scarves in what they’ve called: Alex’s Warm Hat Project. They welcome anyone who wants to contribute time, supplies, or clothing they’ve knitted to the cause.
  Alex’s aunt Judy Lockwood drops them off at the Larimer County Food Banks in Loveland and Fort Collins as well as the 137 Homeless Shelter in Loveland.
  Bri said giving back and helping others doesn’t need to be a process. “You can turn a ball of yarn into something beautiful,” she said.
  Alex knows donating some of his time is worthwhile when it helps someone in need. “I just wanted to help more people,” he said, knitting away. “There could be a lot of people out there like that.”
  1.What can be learned about Alex’s Warm Hat Project according to the text?
  A.Alex has been knitting hats for the community since last winter.
  B.Alex has been learning to knit for people in need since last year.
  C.Alex has been knitting hats and scarves for people since last winter.
  D.Alex has been learning to give back to the community since last year.
  2.What does Alex’s family think of Alex according to the news report?
  A.He is warm-hearted.   B.He is a big boy now.
  C.He is clever enough.
  D.He is in the blood of his family.
  I.Important vocabulary in the text
  1.diligently adv. 勤奮地
  2.unforgiving adj. 难应付的;不宽容的
  3.contribute v. 贡献;捐助
  4.in case 以防;万一
  5.catch one’s attention 吸引某人的注意
  6.care for 关心
  7.drive a point home 阐明观点
  8.drop sb off 把某人送到……;让某人下车
  9.turn sth into sth 把……变成……
  Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences in correct forms with the vocabulary given above.
  1.The editors have been working
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