1800个日夜,柯嵩嵩带着他的团队,在硝烟弥漫的寿险市场里,全面出击,战果颇丰,终于赢得总公司领发的三枚金质奖章,因此,人送雅号“三星上将”. 柯“将军”“入伍”仅五年时间,就屡立战功,着实有他过人之处。何以如此辉煌?纵观成长之路,不外乎三点:聪慧过人、诚信服人、亲情感人! 成功之路只有到达目的地才有盛开的鲜花和欢迎的掌声,而它的起步和途中却充满了泥泞和坎坷……
1800 day and night, Ke Song Song with his team, in the smoke-filled life insurance market, a comprehensive attack, fruitful, and finally won the gold medal led by the head office, therefore, send the nickname “Samsung.” Ke “general” “enlisted” only five years time, it has repeatedly made meritorious service, really have his excellency. Why so brilliant? Throughout the growth path, nothing more than three points: extraordinary intelligence, convinced, affectionate people! The road to success is full of blooming flowers and welcome applause only when it reaches its destination, while its start and journey are filled with muddy and rough ...