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大粒早熟中黄4号大豆 中国农科院1994年推广的15项重点科技成果中,在农作物品种方面,推荐中黄4号为适宜黄淮海麦豆两熟区最理想的接班品种。该品种极早熟,大粒,适应范围广,抗逆性强。在河南夏播生育期85—90天,北京地区120天,北方可驯化栽培。大豆是感光温作物,一般适应范围有限,而中黄4号适应地区之广,是前所未有的。该品种为有限结荚习性,株高60—85厘米,粒黄色,百粒重30—35克,以主茎结荚为主,稀植早播有分枝,结荚多而密,结荚部位低,耐干旱,抗病性强。夏播亩产250—300公斤,高者达350公斤,气候适宜,管理水平高的可达400公斤以上。亩用种4—5公斤。单 Large grain premature Zhonghuang No. 4 soybean Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1994 to promote the 15 key scientific and technological achievements, crop varieties, the recommended yellow No. 4 for the Huang-Huai Hai Ma Dou two ripening areas the most ideal successor varieties. The variety is very premature, large grain, to adapt to a wide range of strong resistance. Summer planting in Henan 85-90 days, 120 days in Beijing, the North can be domesticated cultivation. Soybean is sensitive crops, the general range of adaptation is limited, and the Yellow 4 to adapt to a wide area, is unprecedented. The variety is limited pod habit, height 60-85 cm, grain yellow, 100- weight 30-35 grams, the main stem pod-based, thin planting and early sowing branches, pods and more dense, pod Site is low, drought-resistant, disease resistance. Summer sow mu produce 250-300 kilograms, up to 350 kilograms, suitable climate, high management level up to 400 kilograms. Mu with 4-5 kg ​​of species. single