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就业与保障的关系是现阶段经济改革与社会发展的现实难题,对其理论探讨始终存在着不同观点。我国在计划经济时期,实行以充分就业为取向的政策,因而产生了“广就业、低收入”的就业和保障模式,以及与此相适应的保障观念。在向市场经济的转轨过程中,这种传统观念受到严重挑战。现在普遍流行一种新的观点:认为只有减员才能增效,推动企业发展和经济增长,以全社会经济实力的增长来扩大保障基金的来源。但是这种新的观点也遇到了一些诘难。譬如,有人认为,经济体制改革的根本目的是保障人们生活水平的不断提高,而实现充分就业就是最大的社会保障。因为实现充分就业是社会得以稳定发展,公民得以安居乐业的重要条件。不能保障劳动者充分就业的体制改革不能算作成功的改革。中国人民大学劳动人事学院杨体仁教授、中国工运学院工会学系冯同庆教授、香港中文大学社工系王卓其副教授和刘继同博士、湖南行政学院邓微副教授以及江西省民政厅罗中意先生等人对就业与保障及其关系问题提出了自己独到的见解,现摘登如下,希望各界人士多来稿发表自己的见地,就此问题展开争鸣。 The relationship between employment and security is a real problem in economic reform and social development at this stage, and there are always different views on its theoretical discussion. In the planned economy period, our country adopted the policy of full employment as its orientation, resulting in the employment and security model of “wide employment and low income” as well as the concept of security that is compatible with this. In the transition to a market economy, this traditional concept has been seriously challenged. It is now widespread that a new view is that only downsizing can promote efficiency and promote enterprise development and economic growth and that the source of the protection fund be expanded with the growth of the economic power of society as a whole. However, this new viewpoint has also encountered some difficulties. For example, some people think that the fundamental purpose of the economic reform is to ensure the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, and full employment is the largest social security. Because achieving full employment is an important condition for the stable development of the society and for citizens to live and work in peace. Institutional reforms that can not guarantee full employment of workers can not be counted as successful reforms. Professor Yang Tongren from School of Labor and Human Services of Renmin University of China, Professor Feng Tongqing from Trade Union College of China Institute of Industry and Technology, Dr. Wang Zhuoci and Dr. Liu Jitong from Department of Social Work of Chinese University of Hong Kong, Associate Professor Deng Wei from Hunan Administration College and Mr. Luo Zhongyi from Jiangxi Civil Affairs Department, And their relationship issues put forward their own unique views, are hereby enumerated below, I hope people from all walks of life more contributions to publish their own opinions, on this issue to contend.
2010年下半年,在DX11显卡的发布上,NVIDIA明归显加快速度,在Fermi首款产品发布后仅半年之隔,NVIDIA便发布Fermi 2.0产品,“NVIDIA不断总结市场和产品的问题,并做改进。”郭辉
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最近在低价位处理器市场,或者说是整个处理器市场中,最火热的莫过于AMD最新推出的AthlonⅡ×2 220处理器了,因为只售300元左右的处理器竟然可以轻松开核成为高端的四核处理器