
来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hujieguang
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As a device that converts solar energy into electrical energy directly,solar cell is an extremely promising replacement of the traditional sources of energy. The amorphous silicon(a-Si)film has been regarded as one of the most important materials used for solar cells and attracted considerable attention,because of its high absorption coefficient and low cost. Optical band gap(Eg)is a very important parameter of silicon films using for solar cells. In most cases,photons with energies equal to the Eg will be absorbed by photovoltaic materials and produce one electron-hole pair. As a device that converts solar energy into electrical energy directly, solar cell is an extremely promising replacement of the traditional sources of energy. The amorphous silicon (a-Si) film has been considered as one of the most important materials used for solar cells and attracted most attention, because of its high absorption coefficient and low cost. Optical band gap (Eg) is a very important parameter of silicon films using for solar cells. In most cases, photons with energies equal to the Eg will be absorbed by photovoltaic materials and produce one electron-hole pair.
令拍案惊奇,如醉如痴。 唱腔念做打皆诗。 手眼传情身法步, 酣畅淋漓。 又展翅飞驰, 岂限空时。 今凭电视更新姿。 呐喊群贤多贡献, 瞻望神移。 Make a surprise, intoxica
闹中取静,是指在热闹的环境中保持清静的心态。明代冯梦龙著《喻世明言》称:“人学得它,便是闹中取静,才算 Quiet, refers to the lively environment to maintain a quiet