
来源 :分析仪器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiming7006x
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1975年春,在学习无产阶级专政理论,批判资产阶级法权的高潮中,北京分析仪器厂工人、技术人员在厂党委正确领导下,在科学院北京植物所、北京农科院的鼓励下,急贫下中农所急,决心迅速搞出直接为农业服务的便携式红外仪向党的生日献礼。他们日夜奋战,仅用了两个星期,就在原有一台红外仪的基础上进行改装调试出了第一台QGD-07型农用红外线CO_2分析器。经送到北京农科院在北京许家务大队的试验现场进行试用,受到了贫下中农和科技人员的好评。尔后又制出了第二台送到科学院北京植物研究所在玉渊潭公社试用。经过半年多的试用,证明仪器性能良好,适合农业使用。今年年初,在反击右倾翻案风斗争的高潮中,厂办7·21大学和技校师生,在厂党委领导下,认真贯彻教育为无产阶级政治服务,教育与生产劳动相结合的方针,用实际行动回击右倾翻案风,他们在全厂的协助下仅用了两个 In the spring of 1975, at the height of learning the theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat and criticizing the bourgeois rights, under the correct leadership of the plant party committee of Beijing Instrument Bureau and encouraged by the Beijing Institute of Botany, Beijing Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing Analytical Instrument Factory workers and technicians were urgently needed Under the urgent need of the middle peasants, they resolved to quickly come up with birthday gifts to the party that are portable infrared instruments that serve agriculture directly. They fought day and night, took only two weeks, on the basis of an original infrared instrument for debugging and debugging out of the first QGD-07 type of agricultural infrared CO_2 analyzer. After being sent to the Beijing Academy of Agricultural Sciences for trial work at Xu Family Brigade in Beijing, it was well received by poor middle peasants and scientific and technical personnel. Later, a second was sent to the Beijing Institute of Botany, Beijing Academy of Sciences trial Yuyuantan commune. After more than six months of trial, the instrument proved good performance, suitable for agricultural use. Earlier this year, at the height of the fight against the rightist overthrow case, the factory-run university and technical school teachers and students, under the leadership of the factory party committee, conscientiously implemented the principle of education serving proletarian politics and combining education with productive labor, Action back hit the right and overturn the case of the wind, they are only two with the help of the entire plant
根据印度科学顾问委员会向拉吉夫·甘地总理提出的修改建议,由印度科学与工业研究委员会(CSIR)推荐的评审委员会所提出的一份修改报告已最终于本月初获得通过.由于CSIR 反对