“党建与现代企业制度的关系”高层研讨会 唯有实践 才能创新

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中国共产党所处的历史方位和肩负的执政使命赋予基层党组织新的职责和任务,党建与现代企业制度的关系是一个全新的课题。在报道过程中我们发现,从国家的大势看,非常强调加强党的执政能力,但在企业、社区中确实出现了党组织弱化的倾向,那么,党建在现代企业制度中到底如何归位?从去年开始《科技智囊》对中国式管理进行了系列探讨,发现党建与现代企业制度的关系是绕不过去的一个问题,说深了,这是一个关系到企业效率、企业核心竞争力的大问题。在我们看来,现代企业制度更偏向于刚性,而我们党所擅长的是政治思想工作,更偏向于柔性,两者应该有一个很好的结合。两者应该是刚柔相济而不是刚柔相克。党建与现代企业制度的关系,应该站在民族的振兴、提高组织凝聚力的高度来看,在过去我们是党指挥枪,那么现在,是党指挥经济,还是经济指挥党?党对经济的领导方式要发生哪些改变?为了深入探讨党建与现代企业制度的关系,《科技智囊》专门召开了此次高层研讨会,与会专家们的观点和智慧给了我们很好的启示,正如中共中央党校学术委员会副主任邢贲思所讲,党建与现代企业制度的关系问题一定要通过实践来解决。 The historical position and the ruling mission of the Communist Party of China have given the grassroots party organizations new responsibilities and tasks. The relationship between the party building and the modern enterprise system is a brand new topic. In the process of reporting, we found that from the perspective of the general state of our country, we place great emphasis on strengthening the party’s ability to govern. However, there appears to be a tendency of party organization weakening in enterprises and communities. In the end, how does the party building in the modern enterprise system go back? At the beginning of last year, the “think tank for science and technology” conducted a series of discussions on Chinese management and found that the relationship between the party building and the modern enterprise system is a problem that can not be circumvented. It is a big problem that concerns the efficiency of enterprises and the core competitiveness of enterprises . In our view, the modern enterprise system is more rigid, and our party is good at political and ideological work, more flexible, and the two should have a good combination. Both should be rigid rather than rigid. The relationship between the party building and the modern enterprise system should be based on the rejuvenation of the nation and the enhancement of organizational cohesion. In the past, we were the party’s leading gun. Now, is the party directing the economy or the economic command party? The party’s leadership over the economy In order to further explore the party building and the relationship between the modern enterprise system, “science and technology think tank” held a special high-level seminar, the participating experts and wisdom give us a good lesson, as the Academic Committee of the Central Party School Deputy Director Xing Bensi said that the relationship between the party building and the modern enterprise system must be solved through practice.