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在世纪之交,党史工作者必须树立崭新的党史观念和党史意识:事业意识.发展新的事业,开创新的局面,迫切需要总结研究历史经验,做好以史鉴今、以史育人的工作.在历史新时期,加强党的建设更是全党的一项“新的伟大工程”,做好党史工作就是为这一伟大工程添砖加瓦.所以,党史工作是党的一项重要事业;党史工作者要找准在大局中的坐标和方位,以极大的热忱进入状态,进入角色.时代意识.党史工作既要趋循历史轨迹,更要把握时代脉搏.要切实地把党史研究的重点从民主革命转移到社会主义建设特别是改革开放的18年上来.要从规划到具体操作真正地实行转移,并尽快地拿出成果,赋予党史工作以强烈的时代感.服务意识.党史工作不是“室内剧”,必须走出书斋,为现实服务.有“为”才有“位”.只有加大为现实服务的力度,才有党史工作的辉煌.为党的基本路线服务,为改革开放和经济建设服务,为党的建设服务,为精神文明建设服务,这是党史工作的意义所在、功能所在、生命力之所在.精品意识.要对历史负责,党史研究的成果必须是精品.以体现党史事业的存在价值.任何粗制滥造,都是对严肃的党史工作的亵读.因此,党史的征集、研究、编纂.都应当是认真、缜密的,其成果应是科学的、经过精雕细刻的.这就要求党史工作者要具有调查研究的本领, At the turn of the century, party history workers must establish a brand-new sense of the concept of party history and the history of the party: the cause consciousness, develop new undertakings and create new situations. There is an urgent need to sum up the historical experience, In the new historical period, strengthening party building is even more a “new and great project” for the entire party, and doing a good job in building party history builds on this great project, so that the party history work is an important undertaking of the party. The party history workers must find out the coordinates and orientations in the overall situation and enter the state with great enthusiasm and enter the role of the times Awareness of the times The work of the party history must follow the historical trajectory and the pulse of the times. The focus of history research has shifted from the democratic revolution to the 18 years since the establishment of socialism, especially the reform and opening up. The transfer from planning to concrete operations must be truly carried out and results should be shown as soon as possible to give the party history a strong sense of the times. Consciousness: The work of the party history is not an “in-house drama,” it is necessary to step out of the study room and serve the reality, and “only for” there should be a “bit.” Only by stepping up efforts to serve the reality can we have the brilliant work of the party history. Route clothing It is the significance, function and vitality of the work of the party history to serve the cause of reform and opening up and economic construction, serve the party building and serve the spiritual civilization construction. The achievements must be excellent, so as to reflect the existence value of the cause of party history.Any indiscretion is an insult to the serious work of the party history, so the collection, research and compilation of the party history should all be serious and meticulous and the results Should be scientific, after carving.This requires that the party history workers have the ability to investigate and research,
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