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问:“胆固醇高”“高血脂”“高脂血症”“血脂异常”究竟是不是一回事?答:血脂异常有很多俗称,比如有的患者看到化验单查血脂的项目里,仅有胆固醇升高,就会说胆固醇高;再比如有些医生,不论患者是胆固醇水平高,还是甘油三酯水平高,都会习惯性做出高脂血症的诊断。血脂检测的四项基本指标包括总胆固醇、甘油三酯、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇。血 Q: “high cholesterol,” “hyperlipidemia,” “” hyperlipidemia, “” dyslipidemia "is not the same thing? A: There are many commonly known as dyslipidemia, such as some patients saw the test In the case of mono-lipids alone, cholesterol alone is the only one with elevated cholesterol. Another example is the physician who diagnoses hyperlipidemia routinely, whether the patient is high in cholesterol or high in triglycerides. Four basic indicators of lipid testing include total cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. blood
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SOMMARIO-L’A.,dopo una breve premessa storica in cui riassume i diversi sistemi adotta-ti per la sistematica della sottofamiglia Helicellinae,indica a quale pu
这些与新技术一起使用的程序将以什么方式去适应与它们同时存在的课程目的、课程内容以及课程方法呢? 要回答这个问题,我们需要向教材编写者、还有系统和程序的设计者们说明
<正>卵巢最常见的恶性肿瘤——卵巢上皮癌(ovarian epithelial carcinoma,OEC)是由几种不同组织学亚型组成的一类异质性疾病,表现为相应的细胞源性特点、分子学特征、肿瘤信
Preliminary information. The vanadyl complexes are found to be increasingly used in the areas of catalysis, new materials research as well as in bio chemistry.
Dopo una breve introduzione di carattere ambientale,’A.elenca le specie diAnfibi rinvenute nella zona presa in esame e tratta,inoltre,dei singoli biotopi in c