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想起第一次使用自动取款机的情景,现在还令我自豪。当时全城就安装了这一台自动取款机,而且当时人们根本不认识它,不信任它。我是赶时髦的,好新鲜好新奇好刺激。到银行开个户交了款得到张金灿灿的方卡,跟着向银行的小姐至少咨询了十遍直到小组认为即使是个白痴也应该记住使用方法了,我才离去。第二天,在大商场熙熙攘攘的人流中,我走到了那台取款机前,周围立即就聚了一圈人,人们不相信这保险柜样的铁疙瘩里面会自动吐出钱来。当时我心里也没底,万一取不出钱来,那才叫周围的人笑话呢。我心慌手抖,插入卡竟将记得滚瓜烂熟的密码输错了,人群中“嘘”了一声。我重新输入密码,这是我的电话号码。钱真的从扁长的口中吐出来了,周围人一阵欢呼,我潇洒地抽出卡,装入钱包走进商场。听见背后人们议论,这个人不简单,能从这取款机里取钱,我心里那舒坦呀,兜里的钱啥时候叫小偷掏走了都不知道。幸亏卡上设了 I’m still proud of the scene when I first used my ATM. At that time, the city was equipped with an ATM, and people did not know it at all and did not trust it. I am fashionable, so fresh and good and exciting. Make a bank account to pay Zhang Jincan square cards, followed by the bank lady consultation at least ten times until the team think even an idiot should remember the use of the method, and I left. The next day, in the bustling crowd of shopping malls, I walked around in front of my cash machine and gathered around me immediately. People did not believe it would automatically spit money out of this safe iron-lump. At that time, my heart did not end, in case I could not get any money, it would be joking around people. I panic hand tremor, insert the card will actually remember the wrong pass the wrong password, the crowd, "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I re-enter the password, this is my phone number. Money really spit it out from the flat long mouth, surrounded by a burst of cheers, I chic out the card, into the wallet into the mall. I heard people talking about behind, this person is not simple, can withdraw money from this teller machine, my heart that comfortable, pocket money Shashi called the thief got away do not know. Fortunately, the card set up
每次听到室友们说我是一个坚强的人,我都笑笑;笑笑,比言痛能给人快乐,也给自己快乐 那年署假,我为我的学费奔波在异乡的城市:早上6点给城东的一家餐馆打工,下午2点匆匆奔往
警察问一个被当场抓住的惯偷: “你为什么老要到这家店偷东西?” 小偷回答说: “因为这家店离我住的地方最近。你们也知道,现在社会上太乱了,我实在是不敢离家时间太长。”
现在走在街上,看见路边的小贩,看着他们在风中雨中忙碌的背影, 我会向他们微笑, 并在心中向他们致意——我一直不屑于路旁的那些小贩。你看,他们那一张张似乎是木达、 Now w
春风入手,乐事自应随处有读到古诗中“一笑百虑忘,松风奏笙竿”“不愁屋漏床床湿,且喜溪流岸岸深”等句子时,常对古人的宽阔胸襟和豁达心境向往之至。 Spring breeze start,
某电视台文娱节目的主持人向六位嘉宾提了这样一个问题:“当今世界上最出名的一男一女是谁?” 第一位嘉宾不假思索地说:“克林顿与莱温斯基。” 第二位嘉宾想了想说:“比尔