绿盲蝽Lygus sp.属半翅目盲蝽科昆虫,是国内各地常见的一种重要茶树芽叶害虫,我省各产茶县屡遭损害。茶树是绿盲蝽的越冬寄主植物,越冬卵在春茶萌芽时孵化,若虫早春即大量剌吸危害嫩芽,若不及时防治,对春茶产量、品质均会产生较大影响。对于绿盲蝽,程呜珂、吴宏雷等曾先后在皖南山区作过一些研究报道,作者七十年代以来,结合江淮丘陵和皖西大别山茶区发生情况,进行了系列观察与试验,现将结果报告如后,期望进一步认识和控制这一害虫,亦希得到大家批评指正。
Lygus sp. Is a hemiptera, Miridae insects, is a common tea buds throughout the country an important pest, tea production in our province have repeatedly suffered damage. The tea tree is the overwintering host plant of Apolygus lucorum. The overwintering egg hatches when the spring tea germinates. The nymphs in spring break a lot of germination and harm the tender shoots. If not controlled in time, the output and quality of the spring tea will have a greater impact. For the lucorhena, Cheng Woke, Wu Honglei has made some research reports in the mountains of southern Anhui, the author since the seventies, combined with Jianghuai hills and Wanxi Dabie tea area, conducted a series of observations and experiments, the results will now After the report is made, we hope that we will further understand and control this pest and hope that everyone will correct it.