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我省幅员辽阔,河流之多、河道之长名列全国前矛。全省有近四分之三的市县城镇濒临河流,每逢汛期,河水上涨,给沿河地区国民经济发展和人民生命财产安全带来严重威胁。因此,我省防汛任务很重,防汛工作成败成为关系全局的一件大事。由于天时、人力等种种原因,洪水难以根治。同时也不可 Our province has a vast territory and a large number of rivers, and the long river name ranks among the country’s former spears. Nearly three-quarters of cities and counties in the province are on the verge of rivers. Every flood season increases the river and poses a serious threat to the national economic development and the safety of people’s lives and property along the river. Therefore, the task of flood control in our province is heavy, flood control success or failure of the overall situation as a major event. Because of the weather, manpower and other reasons, the flood is difficult to cure. Also not be
神经浸润与转移是胆道胰腺肿瘤的一种较为特殊的生物学行为。本文主要介绍胆道胰腺肿瘤神经浸润与转移的重要性、与神经浸润和转移相关的因素以及目前认为可能相关的因子 Ne
目前 ,主要通过药物或特殊类型化合物和基因治疗两种途径来诱导胰腺癌细胞凋亡。本文就这两个方面的最新进展作一综述 At present, pancreatic cancer cells are induced to
从卵叶娃儿藤 (Tylophoraovata (Lindl.)Hook .exSteud .)根中分离得到 4个菲骈吲哚里西丁类生物碱 ,分别为tylophoridicineA (1)、娃儿藤宁 (2 )、氧甲基娃儿藤定 (3)和娃儿
Based on grey set, grey numbers and their operation properties, the grey numerical model of groundwater seepage system was set up for the first time, the whole
我省农业排灌站的水泵大部份是离心式水泵,水泵配备的电动机功率普遍偏大,有的排灌站还不适当的选了绕线型异步电动机,投资大,起动设备复杂,故障多,维护管理 Pumps in our
四川省渠县有庆区争鸣水库是一座蓄水183万立米,有效灌面2,900亩的区管工程。水库管理人员在搞好工程安全、蓄水、灌溉的前提下,大胆改革管理制度,积极开 Daming County, S