
来源 :广播电视大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhghliu
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文章写作是一种传播活动。在古代 ,写作只属于读书人的小圈子 ;随着生产力的发展 ,它进入了一般社会成员的生活领域 ,成为人们必备的能力乃至谋生的手段。及至 2 0世纪 90年代文章写作面临着新的挑战 :应用写作空前发展 ,电脑写作将引起整个写作活动的质的变化。据此 ,写作学界提出了相应的对策 Article writing is a communication activity. In ancient times, writing was only a small circle of scholars. With the development of productive forces, it entered the realm of life for ordinary members of the society and became an essential measure for people’s ability to make a living. Up to the 1990s, the writing of essays is facing new challenges: the unprecedented development of applied writing and the computer writing will cause the qualitative changes of the whole writing activity. Accordingly, writing academics put forward corresponding countermeasures
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