
来源 :宁夏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guidahuasheng
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如何让学生喜欢上思想品德课,并能真正认识到思想品德课的价值所在,笔者认为最关键的一点是思想品德课教学要做到“贴近生活,贴近实际,贴近学生”。这不仅是新课程改革的核心理念之一,也体现了思想品德课的课程性质,因此在教学实践中要紧紧抓住生活这一主题,让生活走进思想品德课堂,将思想品德课堂回归生活,让学生明白“生活和教育是一个东西,不是两个东西。”1.要多关注学生生活,关注学生身边的事例。德育生活化,生活是最好的教材,生活中的每一时刻,每一个人 How to make students like the ideological and moral lessons, and can really recognize the value of ideological and moral lessons, I think the most crucial point is the ideological and moral teaching to be “Close to life, close to reality, close to students ”. This is not only one of the core concepts of the new curriculum reform, but also embodies the curriculum nature of ideological and moral lessons. Therefore, in the teaching practice, we must firmly grasp the theme of life, let life go into the classroom of ideological and moral character, and return the classroom of ideological and moral character to life , Let the students know “Life and education is one thing, not two things. ” 1. To pay more attention to student life, concerned about the students around the case. Moral life, life is the best teaching material, every moment of life, everyone
下面的每个成语都缺少了一对反义词,快来开动脑筋填一填吧! ( )邻( )舍()同()异 Each of the following idioms are missing a pair of antonyms, Come and start their min
1、老时光里的三人行  我曾经遇到一个男孩,他叫丘卡。丘卡在嘲笑声中长到了十六岁。  他是个跛子。当然不很严重,他的右腿有轻微的变形,走路时像走在凹凸不平的地面上,有着隐隐高低起伏的动态。  似乎一整年下来,我看过他的背影比正面多。他的身躯佝偻着,却透着倔强,或许因为一早就知道身后背负着各种好奇的目光,不回头,就可以看不见。  放学后,我和牧野远远地跟在丘卡的后面,并非我们走得比他还要慢,而是我非
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应用地理知识,结合本地实际,分析、解决问题。 Applying geographical knowledge, combined with local reality, analyze and solve problems.
上个世纪80年代初期,人们的经济虽不宽裕,但完全不影响人们装扮新年的心情。一条条裁好的红纸铺开,泼墨挥毫,一挥而就的对联,张贴在门上,左看右瞧,喜气,还是喜气!一页页镂空的喜纸,上面的“福禄寿喜财”配着各种动物的图案,张贴在门楣上,微风一吹,吉祥,还是吉祥!  儿时家贫,我拜村里一位刻喜纸的老人为师,一是自己爱好刻喜纸,二是想为家里挣点过年的小钱和春季的学费。师傅见我学刻喜纸很开窍,大概怕我抢了他
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