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大豆耐阴性较强,适应和玉米间作套种。关中地区过去也有早秋间作大豆的习惯,随着水利条件的改善,灌区不断扩大,轮作制度多为一年两料,一般不种早秋,且原有大豆品种成熟晚,影响下料小麦播种,在轮作倒茬中,大豆就不好安排了,这是关中灌区大豆面积减少的根本原因。实践证明,用压缩玉米面积的办法来扩大大豆面积是行不通的,要发展大豆生产理想的途径是玉米和大豆实行间作套种,既不影响玉米的面积,又可以增加一些大豆。 Strong tolerance to soybeans, maize intercropping and intercropping. In Guanzhong area, there was also a habit of using early autumn as soybean. With the improvement of water conservancy conditions, irrigated areas were continuously expanded. The rotation system was mostly double in one year and generally did not grow in early autumn. As the original soybean varieties matured later, Crop rotation, soybean is not good arrangements, which is Guanzhong irrigation area reduction in the root causes of soybeans. Practice has proved that the method of corn acreage to expand the soybean area is not feasible, to develop the ideal way of soybean production is intercropping corn and soybean interplanting, neither affect the corn area, but also increase some of the soybean.
2001年11月10日,人类社会举办 了一场伟大的婚礼,新郎官就是中国,新娘就是WTO。需要说明的是,WTO是一位多情女人,她奉行一妻多夫制。不过,现阶段WTO最钟情的夫君还是中国。那么,在这个洞房花烛夜,人们
锄地三分雨,锄地如上粪。早锄地发暖,勤锄地不板,深锄果节短,细锄防涝又防旱。 Hoe to three-point rain, hoe to the above feces. Warm early hoe, ground hoe to not bo
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国家教育部制订的全日制义务教育各科课程标准,内蕴丰富,新意迭出,积淀几代教育工作者对现代课程的曲折探求和深沉思考,洋溢着科学性和人文精 The full-time compulsory edu