3·15 风暴中的RGP验配

来源 :中国眼镜科技杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bosswhy
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央视3·15晚会将角膜塑形镜(RGP)带到了聚光灯下——郑州科视视光中心冒充“近视防控中心”进入校园,为13万在校儿童检查视力,并恶意销售角膜塑形镜。据相关人士透露,位于河南省一中对面的科视视光中心客源几乎全部是学生群体,其单店的营业额一年可达几千万。拙劣的销售手段、数量庞大的学生群体、赤裸裸的金钱主义,让消费者愤愤不平。而在业内人士看来,更多秘而不宣的问题初现端倪,值得深思。模糊的界限如果说眼镜行业是半医半商的行业,那么角膜塑形镜验 CCTV 3 · 15 evening put the orthokeratology lens (RGP) under the spotlight - Zhengzhou Christie Optometry Center as “myopia prevention and control center” into the campus, 130,000 school children check vision and malicious sales of cornea Shaping mirror. According to the relevant sources, located in Henan Province, opposite a Christie Optical Center source almost all student groups, the turnover of a single store up to tens of millions a year. Poor sales methods, a large student body, and naked moneyism have made consumers indignant. In the opinion of the insiders, more problems of clumsyness are beginning to emerge, which is worth pondering. Ambiguous boundaries If the optical industry is a semi-medical industry, then orthokeratology
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本文拟从企业筹资风险的来源(即原因)进行有效的分析,就如何评估企业筹资风险的方法进行进一步研究和探讨,以对当前所面临的筹资风险进行有效的规避和控制。 This article i