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数形结合是数学中的一种重要性,主要通过数与形的相互转化,解决实际数学难题。教师通过将数形结合思想应用到课堂教学中,能够让原本抽象的数学知识变得直观,让学生形成概念,并在理解算理的基础上掌握算法,整个过程既培养了学生的思维能力,促使学生数学素养的提升,还提升了学生的学习效率,确保初中数学教学目标得以完成。一、初中数学教学应用数形结合思想的意义一是让抽象知识形象化。初中数学知识比较抽象,对学 The combination of number and shape is a kind of importance in mathematics, which mainly solves practical math problems through the mutual transformation of number and form. By applying the idea of ​​combining figures and forms to classroom teaching, teachers can make the original mathematical knowledge of abstraction intuitive, let the students form the concept and master the algorithm on the basis of understanding the arithmetic. The whole process not only cultivates students’ thinking ability, Promote the improvement of students’ mathematical literacy, but also enhance the learning efficiency of students to ensure that junior high school mathematics teaching objectives can be completed. First, the application of mathematical teaching in junior high school mathematics combined with the significance of the idea First, visualization of abstract knowledge. Junior high school mathematics is more abstract, learning
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[主创人员]编剧:郑重导演:曾念平摄影:宋晓飞 才会民主演:内森·菲利普斯 刘尼娜 [Founder] Screenwriter: Solemn Director: Tsang Nian Ping Photography: Song Xiaofei
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