
来源 :中国高等教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XINGQIPING
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以就业为导向.为行业企业一线培养高素质技能型人才,需要企业所在行业发挥更加积极的作用。但在现实中,由于受到旧观念、旧体制的影响,行业作用并未得到有效发挥。一定程度上影响了职业教育的健康发展。重庆市在实施中澳(重庆)职教项目中,探索建立了“政府主导、行业引导”的职业教育发展新体制.为加强政府对职业教育的宏观统筹、改善行业在职业教育中作用的发挥,尤其是为破解职业教育在推进产学结合、校企合 Employment-oriented.First line for industry and business training high-quality skilled personnel, enterprises need to play a more positive role in the industry. However, in reality, due to the old ideas and the old system, the role of the industry has not been brought into full play. To a certain extent, it affected the healthy development of vocational education. Chongqing Municipality has explored the establishment of a new system for the development of vocational education in “China-Australia (Chongqing) Vocational Education Project” in order to strengthen the government’s macro-planning of vocational education and improve the role of the industry in vocational education Play, in particular, to break the vocational education in promoting the combination of production and school, school-enterprise cooperation
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地处浦东新区腹地的曹路镇, 由原顾路和龚路两个镇合并而成。以前这两个镇可是新区出了名的穷镇,本身经济基础薄弱, 再加上教育资源匮乏,在相当程度上制约了曹路镇的综合发展