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湖南省长沙市岳麓区坪塘中心学校党总支书记肖国强违规操办儿子婚宴,受到查处。案情通报2015年6月12日,湖南省长沙市纪委通报了5起违反中央八项规定精神典型问题,其中一起为岳麓区坪塘中心学校党总支书记肖国强为儿子违规操办婚宴问题。经查,2015年5月1日晚,肖国强为儿子操办婚宴“预备餐”44桌,5月2日中午操办正式婚宴29桌,共设酒席73桌,并收受管理和服务对象68人礼金共3.13万元,属变相违规操作, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Pingtang Center School Branch Party branch secretary Xiao Guoqiang illegal operation of his son’s wedding, subject to investigation. Case briefing On June 12, 2015, Changsha Commission for Discipline Inspection, Changsha City, Hunan Province notified five typical violations of the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Government. One of them, Xiao Guoqiang, the party branch secretary of Pingtung Central School in Yuelu District, handled the wedding ban for his son. After investigation, on the evening of May 1, 2015, Xiao Guoqiang held 44 tables for his son’s “Wedding Meal” and 29 tables for a formal wedding at noon on May 2, with a total of 73 tables for banquets and 68 people for management and services A total of 31,300 yuan gift money, a disguised form of illegal operation,
The surface of nano SiO 2 was modified by being encapsulated with hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), and then co grafted with acrylates. The grafting
<正> 三合拳的套路动作相当精简实练,一招一式都讲究效果。演练时以刚柔相济,急徐协调,手手发力,劲气贯通,没有花哨动作。对敌时须避其锋芒,引进落空,乘隙施招,顺势借力,即化
In this paper,we study the RSA public key cryptosystem in a special case with the private exponent d larger than the public exponent e. When N0.258 e N0.854,d >
A novel method to design Y-branch waveguides is proposed by using total internal reflection, and the optical properties areanalyzed. The simulated results show
The ligand [1,2 bis(4 pyridinecarboxamido)ethane] (L) and the coordination polymer {[Cu(L) 2(H 2O)]·(NO 3) 2·6 H 2O} n (1) have been synthesized a
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Asymmetric synthesis of irnigaine was achieved starting from an enantiopure β amino ester 5 using the condensation of amino alcohol 2 with acetylacetone a