
来源 :计算机农业应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:william_wng
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引言农田土壤水分,也称为土壤墒情,是一项重要的土壤环境资源和农业生态信息,它对于农作物生长,发育和形成产量至关重要。因此,愈来愈引起人们的普遍关注。多年来,我国广大气象台站网中,有许多站点开展了相当规范的农田土壤湿度测定工作,积累了丰富资料。为使这些资料在气象为农业服务中发挥更大作用,我们研制了如下的可在微机上运行的一个系统。该系统支持环境为 CCDOS。台站网的动态数据(如农田土壤水分资料及同期气象资料、有关作物发育阶段资料)送入 dBASE—Ⅲ数据库文件;而同步静态参数(如经纬度,海拔,土壤类型及农田土壤水文常数等),则存于与数据库同名的文本文件之中,由于数据库语言本身的局限性,系统运行软件主要用高级语言编写,为了能在高级语言中,直接读取数据库信息,我们还研制了专门的接口软件,这就提高了整个系统运行速度与效率。 Introduction Cropland soil moisture, also known as soil moisture, is an important soil environmental resource and agroecological information that is critical to crop growth, development and yield formation. Therefore, people are getting more and more attention. Over the years, many stations in China have carried out a fairly standardized determination of soil moisture in farmland and accumulated a wealth of information. To make this information even more useful for meteorological services in agriculture, we developed the following system that can be run on a microcomputer. The system supports the environment for CCDOS. Dynamic data (such as farmland soil moisture data and synoptic meteorological data and crop development stage data) of station network are sent to dBASE-Ⅲ database file; and synchronous static parameters (such as latitude, longitude, altitude, soil type and farmland soil hydrological constants) , Then stored in a text file with the same name as the database, due to the limitations of the database language itself, the system running software mainly written in high-level language, in order to be able to directly read the database information in high-level language, we also developed a special interface Software, which improves the overall system speed and efficiency.
Background/Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze the outcome of giant omphalocele repaired in the neonatal period. Methods: Twelve consecutive (1997-200
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