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当我们站在2003年的岁末,试图回眸和展望医药产业的前景时,最真真切切感受到的就是资本的力量,资本已在医药产业中起到举足轻重的作用。目前,我国的医药工业企业已从上世纪末的6,000多家减少至4,296家, GMP认证还将使这一数量减少到3,000多家。今年前三季度,医药工业在销售同比 When we stood at the end of 2003 and tried to look back and look forward to the prospect of the pharmaceutical industry, what we really felt was the power of capital, which has played a pivotal role in the pharmaceutical industry. At present, the number of Chinese pharmaceutical industrial enterprises has dropped from 6,000 at the end of last century to 4,296. GMP certification will also reduce this number to over 3,000. The first three quarters of this year, the pharmaceutical industry in sales year on year
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