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优秀侦察员刘秋华刘秋华为浦东新区人民检察院渎检处主任检察官,中共党员。曾获得全国检察机关优秀渎职侵权检察处长、上海市贪检系统首届优秀侦察员等荣誉称号。从事检察工作以来,刘秋华始终牢记全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,在渎检工作中做到公正执法、清正廉洁,以一丝不苟、孜孜不倦的工作精神,用自己的忠诚维护着法律的尊严。担任主任检察官以来,他以业务素质与政治素质为抓手,塑造了一支善打硬仗的渎检队伍,并带领这支队伍先后侦破了 Outstanding Scout Liu Qiuhua Liu Qiuhua Pudong New Area People's Procuratorate malpractice prosecutor, member of the Communist Party of China. He was awarded the title of Procurator of Procurator of the Republic of Procuratorial Organization for Excellent Malfeasance and Infringement and the First Outstanding Scout of Shanghai Corruption System. Since his procuratorial work, Liu Qiuhua has always kept in mind the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly. He has justly performed law enforcement, integrity and integrity in malpractice inspection work, and maintained his dignity of law with his loyalty in a meticulous and tireless spirit of work. As the chief prosecutor, he has taken the professional and political qualities as the starting point and has shaped a team of malpractice officers who have been fighting tough battles and led the contingent to solve the problem.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
反常的情况一再出现: ——“说明书”销售出现创记录的势头,一再增加,场场告罄。 (应该说这张小纸单印刷还欠精美,内容也仅是一串曲目的罗列而已。) ——掌声不期而遇。往往
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中国承诺在2004年12月11日取消分销领域地域、股权和经营范围限制,对外资全面开放。国内分销领域会受到怎样不同程度的冲击?许多人对中国分销业的前途担忧。 China promised
配有16倍速CDROM的Powermate P2166MHz MMX PC、配有10倍速MMX CPU Versa 13.1英寸的笔记本机,使上海NEC 4月21日在巡展到京的“中国流“大出风头。去年,上海NEC在中国排名