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炭疽病菌侵染油茶花器的现象极为普遍。病花芽中的部分病菌可直接侵染花,某些花上的病菌又可直接侵染幼果,形成一个花芽和花以及花和幼果之间的连续侵染,这是冬前果实上最早发生的侵染之一。秋末受到侵染的幼果一般不表现症状,病菌在其内部潜伏越冬,至次年5、6月份有一部分开始发病,有相当数量的带菌果直至7、8月份果实进入增长后期才表现症状,病菌潜伏时期可达数月之久。病菌侵染果实的时期,除冬前外,从5月份前后至7、8月份皆可造成大量侵染,数量多少依侵染条件而定。果实发病的时期,大部分集中在8月份。通过套袋隔离方法,区分了不同时期侵染在发病过程中的作用。冬前的侵染数量较大,引致中后期果实发病的数量也大,而且还增加早春的落果率和中后期发病的菌源,在病害周年发生的过程中起重要作用;5——6月份的侵染,对病害的发展起加速作用,对后期的发病程度也有重要影响;7月中旬以后的侵染对发病的影响不大。油茶果实的抗病性存在着明显的阶段性差异。在离体接种情况下,幼嫩果实无伤接种的发病率高于后期;当刺伤接种时,前后期发病都很高。这表明前后期果实抗病性的差异可能与表皮结构是否抗侵入有关,而自然界中,果实集中于后期发病的原因,可能与生理生化因子是否抗扩展有关。三年来在秋末和春季,用内吸杀菌剂进行防治,能有效地减少幼果中潜伏病菌的越冬基数,也能减少病枝等部位上的菌源,推迟发病始期达一个月左右,对最终病情的防治效果,一般在70%左右。用内吸杀菌剂进行早期药剂防治,较之原提倡的在发病前后多次喷洒波尔多液等保护性药剂,要省药省工,而且效果比较稳定,可推广试用。 Colletotrichum infection Camellia flower phenomenon is extremely common. Some germs in diseased flower buds can infect flowers directly. Some germs in the flowers can infect young fruit directly to form a flower bud and flower, and continuous infection between flower and young fruit, which is the earliest fruit before winter One of the infections that took place. Young infested late autumn usually do not show symptoms, the bacteria in their internal latent winter, in May and June the following year, some of the onset, a considerable amount of carrying fruit until July and August, the fruit into the later stages of growth symptoms, Bacteria incubation period of up to several months. In addition to the pre-winter, the period of infection of the germs can cause a large number of infections from around May to July and August, depending on the infection conditions. The incidence of fruit, mostly concentrated in August. Bagging isolation method, the distinction between different periods of infection in the pathogenesis of the role. The large number of pre-winter infection, causing the incidence of mid-and late-term fruit is also a large number, but also increase the rate of early spring fruit drop and the incidence of bacteria in the mid-late, plays an important role in the process of disease anniversary; 5-6 months Of the infection, accelerating the development of disease, the incidence of late also have a significant impact; mid-July after infection on the incidence of little effect. There are obvious stage differences in the disease resistance of Camellia oleifera fruit. In the case of inoculation in vitro, the incidence of non-invasive infancy of young fruits was higher than that of the late stage. When the stinger was inoculated, the morbidity of both early and late stages was high. This indicates that the differences in disease resistance of the early and late fruits may be related to whether the epidermal structure is resistant to invasion. However, in nature, the reason why the fruit is concentrated in the later stage may be related to whether the physiological and biochemical factors are resistant to expansion. Three years in the autumn and spring, with systemic fungicide control, can effectively reduce the young fruit of latent bacteria overwintering base, but also can reduce the disease branches and other parts of the source, postponed onset of onset of about a month, the final Disease prevention and control effect, generally about 70%. With systemic antibacterial agents for the prevention and treatment of early drugs, compared with the original advocated in the incidence of multiple spraying of Bordeaux and other protective agents, to save energy and workers, and the effect is relatively stable, can promote the trial.
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