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自1995年1月至1999年8月,我们共收治异位妊娠59例,其中输卵管结扎(以下简称结扎)术后19例,占28.8%。术后病变组织均送病理检查,证实为异位妊娠(保守治愈的未统计在内)。原结扎术中情况的获取(结扎术式)由行异位妊娠术中直观判断。另结扎术中情况由患者追忆口述获得。结扎术中基本情况及与异位妊娠关系:19例中单纯结扎13例,占68%(包括术后1月内发病2例)。抽芯包埋4例。由于粘连提取困难,行单侧结扎,又放置宫内节育器者2例。术后1月内发病2例;2~3年发病7例;4~5年发病6例;5年以上发病4例。 From January 1995 to August 1999, we received a total of 59 cases of ectopic pregnancy, tubal ligation (hereinafter referred to as ligation) in 19 cases, accounting for 28.8%. Postoperative lesions were sent to pathological examination, confirmed as ectopic pregnancy (conservative treatment of non-statistics included). Acquisition of the original ligation (ligation type) by the line of direct observation of intraoperative ectopic pregnancy. Another case of ligation surgery by the patient recalled oral access. The basic situation of ligation and ectopic pregnancy and the relationship: 19 cases of simple ligation in 13 cases, accounting for 68% (Including 1 month after the onset of 2 cases). 4 cases of core embedding. Difficult to extract due to adhesion, unilateral ligation, but also placed in IUD in 2 cases. There were 2 cases in 1 month after operation, 7 cases in 2 ~ 3 years, 6 cases in 4 ~ 5 years and 4 cases in more than 5 years.
本组采用回顾分析方法,对前臂静脉和手背静脉催产素滴入进行对比。以选择最佳的穿刺部位,现将分析结果报告如下:1 临床资料1.1 一般资料:选择因各种原因进行第二产程产妇(需
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