
来源 :北京农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tzhole
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本文主要报导国外化学杀雄剂 WL84811进行小麦杀雄效果的研究。结果表明:(1)WL84811是一种强化杀剂,对供试品种具有普遍杀雄作用。效果均为100%,是目前其它化杀赉町所不及的。(2)喷药后,对株高及小穗发育等农艺性状影响轻微,克服了国产化杀剂乙烯利的不足。(3)杀雄适期较长,从小孢子期—孕穗期间均可起良好杀雄效果,便于生产上应用。但是,在最适浓度的筛选以及雌蕊药剂对活性与异交结实率的影响方面,有待进一步研究。 This article mainly reports the foreign chemical maleicide WL84811 to study the killing effect of wheat. The results showed that: (1) WL84811 was a kind of fortification agent, which had a general killing effect on the tested varieties. The effect is 100%, is currently other than kill Wuthering Heights. (2) After spraying, the agronomic traits such as plant height and spikelet development have little influence on the agronomic traits, which overcomes the deficiency of domesticated ethephon. (3) killing male longer suitable period, from microspore - booting period can play a good killing effect, easy to produce on the application. However, further investigation is needed to screen the optimal concentration and the effect of pistil on activity and outcrossing rate.
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我梦见自己在采访上帝。  “你要采访我吗?”上帝问。  “如果你有时间的话。”我说。  上帝露出笑容,“我有永恒的时间,你想问我什么问题?”  “人类有哪些事最令你惊讶?”  上帝回答:“他们觉得童年很无聊,急着让自己长大,然后又想回到童年。”  “他们为了赚钱而失去健康,然后又花钱要找回健康。”  “他们担心地想着未来,却忘了现在,因此既不是活在现在,也不是活在未来。”  “他们活得好像永远不会